
Discover the latest news at Inmotek

Signing visits on your mobile phone You can now ask the people you visit properties with to sign the visit reports on your mobile phone. You will see that at the bottom of the visit form you have the option for the client to sign with their finger or a pencil. We have already published the Price Calculator You will see a small calculator icon next to the sales prices. When you click on it, a window will open where you can calculate and view the prices for the owner, the commission and the retail price. If you modify any of the fields the prices will be recalculated. Notes on watermarks By default, all photographs will CONTINUE to be SENT to all portals and your website WITH watermarks, what ...

November News

November News HD photos: You can now order* HD photo storage at inmotek. This way, in addition to the usual 1080px photos, we will save a 1920px wide copy in Full HD. This high-definition copy can later be used as a background for your website, downloaded or on your posters, which will make them more attractive and print with better quality. * €3/month VAT not included 3D Photos: 3D photos now have their own section, not to be confused with HD photos, they have been separated in order to integrate a 3D visualization tool in inmotek by joining several photos. Photos that are not 3D saved in that area will be deleted. Publication on and We have reduced the publicatio...

News September and October 2016 part 2

News September and October 2016 Part 2 1) Tags for events Now in Inmotek you can assign custom labels to events, in this way you give each event a personal classification that allows you to obtain key information about the event at a glance. 2) Group Property Labels (M2LS) Just like with your own properties, you can now add tags to properties in your groups - these are the same tags as your own properties. You will be able to search by tags from the groups section. The cross-referencing of group properties will take these tags into account in the near future. 3) Recover your password If you have forgotten your password, you can now recover it by starting the password recovery process. From t...

Habitaclia and news

News September and October 2016 1) New real estate portals We have closed an agreement for the creation of a gateway with the Habitaclia real estate portal, which has a strong presence in Catalonia, the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands. It is now available. To get it up and running you must first contact Habitaclia to let them know that you are going to start using the gateway from inmotek. As usual, you must then "check" each property you want to publish. We have closed an agreement for the creation of a gateway with the Kyero real estate portal, which has a strong presence in the Valencian Community. To get it up and running, you must first contact Kyero to let them know that ...

More powerful start panel

A more powerful start panel We have provided the start panel with two new features and a presentation that is more in line with the general appearance of inmotek. The latest: Shows the last 20 new properties, clients, promotions and communities, with access to all of them by clicking. If you are out of the office, when you return you can see the latest at a glance! What's Happening?: Dynamically displays and constantly updates agency activity log information, including who does what with access to the information. Corporate social responsibility projects In 2016, at saresoft we are going to collaborate with two or three non-profit projects in the technological and economic fields . Today, mo...