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Service Pack 4

Service Pack 4 News January - February 2016

Greetings, we present you the news for the Service Pack 4, we will include a green check icon as we publish them.

Now available: Property quality system, Price statistics, Transaction and business volume comparison, Restyling, global stock market and more

1) (01/28/2016)  Property Quality System: Accessible from the tools section, it gives us very important informatio...

COAPI Gipuzkoa 28

  FORMACIÓN Y CHARLA INMOTEK 28 DE ENERO COLEGIO API GIPUZKOA Saludos, el día Jueves 28 de Enero a las 16:00 horas tendrá lugar una charla formación sobre inmotek patrocinada por el colegio API de Gipuzkoa, esta charla esta abierta también para los NO colegiados. Deben ponerse en contacto con el teléfono 943 465 904 (Igone) para comunicar su asistencia. El orden del día es el siguiente: Novedades en estadísticas y contratos en inmotek: inmotek incorpora desde el pasado diciembre un modo de gestión de los contratos mediante el cual podemos establecer los precios finales hayamos gestionado el inmueble nosotros u otra agencia, de esa manera se pueden obtener mediante mapas pre...

Inmotek News 2016


Greetings and happy 2016,

We present the news for this year that we will be presenting in the coming dates

1) Bank Properties

We are going to upload the real estate offer of different banking entities in a section of inmotek, this information will be updated daily and will allow that agents authorized by the banking entity can copy a property to their own portfolio and the same is kept updated in data such as the price.

At the moment we are going to work with:

  • BBVA Anida
  • Servihabitat
  • Casaktua


Do not hesitate to suggest others...

Inmotek Cloud

Thank you for your understanding, inmotek is now 100% cloud Yesterday, November 1st, we completed the transfer to the new cloud servers with load balancing. The system is now faster, safer and has a high fault tolerance. Download the inmotek app on your mobile phone (Android phones only) Follow these instructions Look for the Google Play icon on your mobile phone Once inside, search for inmotek on Google Play and install the app Enter your agency code in the first field, it is the part of the address that you use to enter inmotek in your browser, for example your code is myagency Enter your username and password, you can click remember your data and inmotek will not ask ...

3 new features September-2015

Users with active requests will be able to modify their own requests from the email they receive. (Wednesday 09/30/2015) Introducing version 2 of inmotek mobile, with more skills and tools on your mobile. (Friday 25/09/2015) Introducing the new owners area, with more and better features and much more.(Tuesday 09/29/2015) New mobile version (Friday 25/09/2015) Starting Friday 25th you will be able to work with the new version of inmotek for mobile phones and tablets, you can even download the app from Google Play and Apple app store. We offer you some screenshots of the new version.