Idealista filter news and events

News March

Customer filtering.

New filtering features have been added so that you can easily find clients who have not visited and the owner clients for whom we have enabled the owner area.

Faster event creation.

Whether from management, or from the Monitoring tab of a client or property, we can directly create the event of the type we want.

News on

In an update so that you can publish all your portfolio data on your idealista " microsite "

If you want to send the properties to your idealista microsite , you must activate it from Options → Company data → “Portals” tab . As shown in the following image.

By checking this box, the properties marked for publication on will be sent as usual, and the rest of your properties "In portfolio" that have not been activated for publication on idealista but have been activated for publication on your website will be sent to your microsite . The properties on the microsite cannot be found on when you search for properties, but they give a more powerful image of your agency by having more properties on your microsite .